IP Address to Domain Append

Discover Business + Firmographic Details Based on IP Address

The Versium REACH IP to domain tool provides the domain (or domains) associated with a list of IP addresses – along with firmographic data attributes about the companies. Gain valuable insight into who is visiting your website and showing interest in your product so you can start marketing and selling to these companies.

Who's Visiting Your Website?

 Versium REACH enables marketers to unlock the valuable information associated with IP addresses. Simply upload a list of IP’s from your website visitors and Versium REACH will provide the domain and additional firmographic details about the people visiting your website.


What's in an IP to Domain Append?

Discover details about businesses starting from an IP address. The IP-to-Domain Append accepts a single IP address (IPv4) and returns up to 3 business domains along with the firmographic information for each business found, which includes:


Basic business information

Postal address

Industry, NAICS, SIC

Number of employees

Sales volume

Year founded

Firmographic append

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